Looking for a business opportunity?

We all know the power certain words project. Especially words which contain four letters. There are specific words in our language which incite laughter, impart outrage, announce delight. The kind of words which, because of their power, provoke a strong reaction in the listener.

Now, think of one of those words,
and imagine your company owned it.

Can you imagine the marketing power of a word that is deeply entrenched in our national lexicon? 
A word which is used everyday by millions to express strong emotion? Now consider what would happen to your sales if every time a person heard this word, he or she thought of your product, your service, your company.

It gets even better. Because Oych is not just a word that will become part of our national parlance, it is destined to become part of the global language. Oych can be uttered in China, Peru or Bangladesh. It’s meaning crosses all borders, unites all peoples. Because Oych is truly international. Oych is Oych in every language.

A pronouncement so universal, so adaptable and so customizable is certainly hard to come by. And moreover, Oych, unlike some other four letter words, is not raunchy, negative or unspeakable in pleasant company. Oych is the four letter
word you can use. It can and will be used to express strong emotion in the face of every imaginable curve ball life can throw.